Victoria Málaga
It is a smooth and refreshing lager, with slightly malty notes and a touch of balanced bitterness.
It is an amber lager that stands out for its balanced and malty flavour, with a slight bitterness that makes it refreshing and pleasant on the palate.
It is a lager beer with a robust and characteristic flavour, noted for its malty profile.
It is a wheat beer that stands out for its smooth and fruity taste. It offers notes of citrus and spices, combined with a light touch of malt.
Aquí tenemos la nueva birra de Maltacaballar, Bacterio y Vamos Beer. Un Smothie Sour con cerveza y mucho Kiwi.
Cerveza artesana de estilo West Coast IPA elaborada con una selección propia de Strata de la granja de Indie Hop (Oregon)
It has a citric and fruity profile, with notes of pine and resin. Its bitterness is pronounced, but well balanced by a slight malt sweetness.
With citrus and fruity notes, the hops are prominent, providing moderate bitterness and herbal aromas. Its malt provides a light sweetness that complements the freshness.
It has a robust, malty flavour, with notes of caramel and toffee adding sweetness.
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